edexcel a level biology cystic fibrosis

; Quon, B.S. ; das Neves, R.C. 5 Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene. - DNA fragments in the mothers blood plasma and detects cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) and analysed ; Pasca, M.R. Ribet, D.; Cossart, P. How bacterial pathogens colonize their hosts and invade deeper tissues. Again, the students are guided through the events that lead to the depletion of the apical surface liquid and the cilia being unable to move the viscous mucus. permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. ; Harris, M.; Blay, J.Y. future research directions and describes possible research applications. These enzymes break down the fat. The mucus becomes thick, sticky, and hard to move. ; Herrmann, J.L. The Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is a group of bacteria including opportunistic human pathogens. Need or want? M. abscessus is naturally resistant to many antibiotics such as rifamycin, tetracyclines and β-lactams. Most genetic disorders, like cystic fibrosis, . In addition, the timing of treatment administration must coincide with the regulation and the subsequent production of the target factor during the infection process. Castellani, C.; Assael, B.M. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: Epidemiological pattern in a reference laboratory and risk factors associated with pulmonary disease. 2.14: Understand how the expression of a gene mutation in people with cystic fibrosis impairs the functioning of the gaseous exchange, digestive and reproductive systems PLGA nanocapsules improve the delivery of clarithromycin to kill intracellular, Rinaldi, F.; Hanieh, P.N. ; Iaccarino, J.M. In short, there is still a long way to go before these therapies can become part of the clinical treatment of these infections. Chan, B.K. Brogden, K.A. Meir, M.; Barkan, D. Alternative and experimental therapies of. De Voss, J.J.; Rutter, K.; Schroeder, B.G. ; Saffery, R.; Ranganathan, S. Gene modifiers of cystic fibrosis lung disease: A systematic review. Judson, I.; Radford, J.A. With normal CFTR, once the protein is synthesized, it is transported to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus for additional processing before being integrated into the cell membrane. ; Piana, M.; Dos Santos Siqueira, F.; da Silva Jesus, R.; Athayde, M.L. Here you'll find everything you need to prepare for AS level Biology A including our specification and sample assessment materials. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. All of the questions included in the lesson have mark schemes which are embedded into the PowerPoint and this allows the students to assess their progress. Dubois, V.; Pawlik, A.; Bories, A.; Le Moigne, V.; Sismeiro, O.; Legendre, R.; Varet, H.; Rodriguez-Ordonez, M.D.P. ; Aksamit, T.; Brown-Elliott, B.A. The cystic fibrosis patients are normally between 10 and 20. AMPs are short polypeptides, generally smaller than 100 amino acids, which are rich in lysin, arginine, and hydrophobic residues, and show antibacterial activity and immunomodulatory properties [, Recent studies demonstrated the efficacy of some AMPs against, For example, RP557 is an AMP, designed with the iterative chemical structure of the human cathelicidin LL-37, that showed a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal activity (, Non-Disulfide-Bridge-Peptide 5.5 (NDBP-5.5) is an amphipathic molecule derived from the, Polydim-I (AVAGEKLWLLPHLLKMLLTPTP) is an AMP isolated from the poison of the Brazilian wasp, Polybia-II (WLKLGKMVIDAL) is another AMP isolated from the poison of the wasp, All the studies regarding the use of AMPs against MABSC [, Organic and inorganic nanoparticles (gold, silver etc. The nnn find similar garments in a pattern catalog. Conditions. Non-disulfide-Bridge Peptide 5.5 from the Scorpion, das Neves, R.C. Bogdan, C. Nitric oxide and the immune response. * The role of channel and carrier proteins in membrane transport Antivirulence compounds: A future direction to overcome antibiotic resistance? ; Britigan, B.E. CFTR transports chloride ions (Cl. ) 2.6 (ii): Understand the roles of the DNA template (antisense) strand in transcription, codons on messenger RNA and anticodons on transfer RNA ; Nick, J.A. 7 Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening condition that can affect many different parts of the body. This topic considers the following biological principles through the context of the genetic disease cystic fibrosis: the properties of and transport of materials, across cell membranes and gas exchange surfaces, DNA structure and replication, protein synthesis, enzymes and monohybrid inheritance through the context of the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. Exploring Science 7 Summary Sheets 7e lbartman com. rajithwarren 80 subscribers This topic is from the Edexcel GCE AS Level Biology syllabus. Wright, A.; Hawkins, C.H. ; Deriy, L.V. Antimicrobial reactive oxygen and nitrogen species: Concepts and controversies. r)>62}OkGS5M>E5NxAP$~xmL4JxUE1q\f" If you have cystic fibrosis, this mucus is excessively thick and sticky and cannot perform this role properly. Due to the detail included in all of these lessons, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 months of allocated A-level teaching time to complete the teaching of the bundle * The movement across membranes by passive and active transport Thus, new . The lesson PowerPoints are highly detailed, and along with their accompanying worksheets, they have been planned at length to contain a wide range of engaging tasks which cover the following A-level Biology content found in topics 2, 3 and 6 of the course: 2.7: Understand the nature of the genetic code 6.10: Understand how one gene can give rise to more than one protein through posttranscriptional changes to messenger RNA (mRNA). ; Fensterseifer, I.C. However, while humans have long benefited from antimicrobials, mechanisms of resistance to classical antimicrobials have emerged and spread among bacteria [, Hence, antivirulence therapy (AVT) consists of the use of drugs targeting pathways important for pathogenesis but not essential for microbial growth [, Selective pressure is not a consequence of the AVT approach, as it aims to prevent attacks on the host rather than eliminate pathogens. Thakur, A.; Mikkelsen, H.; Jungersen, G. Intracellular pathogens: Host immunity and microbial persistence strategies. Dickey, S.W. * Errors in DNA replication can give rise to mutations She has fifteen years of experience teaching the Sciences at KS3 to KS5, and Psychology at A-Level. * The structure of proteins https://www.mdpi.com/openaccess. ; Nelson, D.; Moore, R.E. Floto, R.A.; Olivier, K.N. ; Koff, J.L. ATS Mycobacterial Diseases Subcommittee, American Thoracic Society, & Infectious Disease Society of America. For more information, please refer to ; Veloci, S.; Pistolesi, M.; Rossolini, G.M. Hours and hours of planning have gone into each and every lesson that's included in this bundle to ensure that the students are engaged and motivated whilst the detailed content of topic 2 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification is covered. Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of antioxidant and antimycobacterial activity of, Jimenez-Arellanes, A.; Luna-Herrera, J.; Ruiz-Nicolas, R.; Cornejo-Garrido, J.; Tapia, A.; Yepez-Mulia, L. Antiprotozoal and antimycobacterial activities of, Sirichoat, A.; Kham-Ngam, I.; Kaewprasert, O.; Ananta, P.; Wisetsai, A.; Lekphrom, R.; Faksri, K. Assessment of antimycobacterial activities of pure compounds extracted from Thai medicinal plants against clarithromycin-resistant. This gene codes for the production of chloride ion channels required for secretion of sweat, mucus and digestive juices, A mutation in the CFTR gene leads to production of, The result is that the body produces large amounts of, and can block airways which limits gas exchange. * Understanding the pattern of monohybrid inheritance it could form part of an enzyme or a membrane transport protein, Because cystic fibrosis is determined by a, Mucus in the respiratory system is a necessary part of keeping the lungs healthy, It prevents infection by trapping microorganisms, This mucus is moved out of the respiratory tract by cilia, In people with cystic fibrosis, due to the faulty chloride ion channels, the, This means microorganisms are not efficiently removed from the lungs and lung infections occur more frequently, Thick mucus in the digestive system can cause issues because, Digestion of some food may be reduced and therefore, Mucus is normally secreted in the reproductive system to prevent infection and regulate the progress of sperm through the reproductive tract after sexual intercourse, The mucus in people with cystic fibrosis can cause issues in both men and women. nucleus Cystic Fibrosis, or CF, is the most common inherited disease of northern Europeans and white North Americans. in 2013 reported an MIC of 25 g/mL against, More specific research analyses 22 pure compounds extracted from different parts of 4 medicinal plants (, All the reported studies indicate that plants and fungi are still nowadays a source with a huge potential for discovering new molecules that are effective in fighting, In conclusion, this review provides an overview of the latest findings on innovative therapies against, For some of the strategies described, positive results have been obtained at the early pre-clinical stages, and it is hoped that these will form the basis for developing these strategies and confirming their efficacy in vivo so that they can reach the clinical trial stage. Ubonodin is a lasso peptide with promising activity against Bcc species, working by . ; Beiss, V.; Chan, S.K. This disrupts the essential balance of salt and water that is needed to maintain a normal thin coating of fluid and mucus inside the lungs, pancreas, and passageways in other organs. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). ; Brown-Elliott, B.A. An official ATS/IDSA statement: Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases. When a CFTR protein with the delta F508 mutation reaches the ER, the quality-control mechanism of this cellular component recognises that the protein is folded incorrectly and marks the defective protein for degradation. ; Griffith, D.E. The current therapeutic regimens are not very effective and are mostly based on repurposed drugs used against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections. * Enzymes are biological catalysts that reduce activation energy For instance, the simultaneous presence of several redundant VFs in some species could only be addressed by the combined use of different compounds. As you can see the percentage is falling. ; Goncalves, J.C.; Trentini, M.M. Topic 3: 3.6&7. All of the questions included in the lesson have mark schemes which are embedded into the PowerPoint and this allows the students to assess their progress. What type of allele causes cystic fibrosis? This is achieved through the wide variety of tasks in the PowerPoints and accompanying worksheets which include exam-style questions with clear answers, discussion points, differentiated tasks and quick quiz competitions. Romero-Calle, D.; Guimaraes Benevides, R.; Goes-Neto, A.; Billington, C. Bacteriophages as alternatives to antibiotics in clinical care. 2.5 (ii): Know how complementary base pairing and the hydrogen bonding between two complementary strands are involved in the formation of the DNA double helix These people are called "carriers" of the CF gene. Use of artificial intelligence in the design of small peptide antibiotics effective against a broad spectrum of highly antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Bacteria Percentage of people with cystic fibrosis who have a lung infection (%) 5 years old 15 years old 25 years old 35 years old 45 years old P. aeruginosa 34 70 82 82 75 S. aureus 42 45 35 31 25 (i) Using the information in the table, describe the relationship between the age When this happens, the persons body can't process or absorb nutrients properly, especially fats. ; Noone, P.G. Conditions. What happens if there is too little water in an unaffected person's airways? Collect photographs of garments from fashion magazines and sales catalogs. ; Otto, M. Different drugs for bad bugs: Antivirulence strategies in the age of antibiotic resistance. Conceptualization, G.D. and M.R.P. Daley, C.L. A-Level Molecules & Cells, Cystic fibrosis Essays available here at Marked By Teachers. Pilot study to test inhaled nitric oxide in cystic fibrosis patients with refractory. 3.21: Understand how some phenotypes are affected by multiple alleles for the same gene at many loci (polygenic inheritance) as well as the environment and how this can give rise to phenotypes that show continuous variation * Enzymes are biological catalysts ; et al. * The process of DNA replication These enzymes break down the fat.If you have cystic fibrosis, the pancreas does not produce enzymes. Upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cytokine secretion in peripheral blood monocytes from pulmonary tuberculosis patients. 3.19: Understand how one gene can give rise to more than one protein through posttranscriptional changes to messenger RNA (mRNA). Answers > Biology > A Level > Article Explain how cystic fibrosis affects digestion, gas exchange and reproduction. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive 2.14 (i): Understand how errors in DNA replication can give rise to mutations (substitution, insertion and deletion of bases) 1-2% miscarriage risk This research was funded by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, grant number FFC#18/2021 (adopted by Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Codogno e Piacenza, Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Rovigo, Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Belluno, Nonno Nanni Latteria Montello), and FFC#5/2022 (adopted by: Gruppo di sostegno FFC Ricerca Miriam ColomboOspedaletti; Gruppo di sostegno FFC Ricerca di GradoGorizia; Gruppo di sostegno FFC Ricerca di Benevento; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Monterotondo Roma; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Vigevano; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Trieste; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Sassari Castelsardo; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Moncalvo; Delegazione FFC Ricerca di Lecce). Although the majority of the lesson is described with reference to the gaseous exchange system, the impaired functioning of the digestive system in terms of the blockage of the pancreas and liver secretions is considered and discussed and the students are challenged on their understanding through a range of exam-style questions. 2.8: Know that a gene is a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule that codes for a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain Prepare for GCSE Biology examinations. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. How many people would you expect to have the disease in a population of 100,000? Degiacomi, G.; Sammartino, J.C.; Chiarelli, L.R. Cystic fibrosis is classified according to the effect of the mutation on the CFTR protein. P1b 1c Very big and very small numbers H PBworks. A phase I clinical study of inhaled nitric oxide in healthy adults. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for Shanthikumar, S.; Neeland, M.N. This can put a person with cystic fibrosis at risk of getting bacterial chest infections. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. In CF, the inherited CF gene directs the body's epithelial cells to produce a defective form of a protein called. ; Aksamit, T.; Carvalho, A.C.C. In a healthy person, the pancreas produces chemicals (enzymes) which pass into the gut as food leaves the stomach. Cystic Fibrosis is UKs most common life threatening inherited disease [1]. * The structures of DNA and RNA 2.9 (ii): Know how complementary base pairing and the hydrogen bonding between two complementary strands are involved in the formation of the DNA double helix ; Gupta, S.; Olivier, K.N. However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. ; Essi, L.; de Campos, M.M.A. ; supervision, M.R.P. 3.9 (i): Know that a locus is the location of genes on a chromosome * Understand how the rate of diffusion is dependent on these properties and can be used in the calculation of the rate of diffusion by Fick's law Development and use of personalized bacteriophage-based therapeutic cocktails to treat a patient with a disseminated resistant. Something went wrong, please try again later. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ; Turner, P.E. ; Saiman, L.; Daley, C.L. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of the mastoparan Polybia-MPII isolated from venom of the social wasp. ; Jacobs-Sera, D.; Belessis, Y.; Whitney Brown, A.; Cohen, K.A. (1 mark) b. ; Magombedze, G.; Srivastava, S.; Deshpande, D.; Gumbo, T. Systematic review and meta-analyses of the effect of chemotherapy on pulmonary, Chen, J.; Zhao, L.; Mao, Y.; Ye, M.; Guo, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, L.; Zhang, Z.; Li, B.; Chu, H. Clinical Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Antibiotics Used to Treat, Nash, K.A. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. at 8-12 weeks Here you'll find everything you need to prepare for AS level Biology A including our specification and sample assessment materials. No special ; Coler, R.N. In CF, the inherited CF gene directs the body's epithelial cells to produce a defective form of a protein called CFTR. Interestingly, the latter was able to eradicate four cases of paediatric dysentery in 1919 in Paris using the administration of a phage preparation [, Therapeutic bacteriophages are pathogen-specific and safe for human tissues [. * The formation of polypeptides and proteins All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Cystic fibrosis affects over 7,500 people in the UK [2]. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. * The primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins Munoz-Egea, M.C. 1% miscarriage risk ; Lange, C.; Cambau, E.; Wallace, R.J.; Andrejak, C.; Bottger, E.C. ; Bourne, S. Phage as an antimicrobial agent: dHerelles heretical theories and their role in the decline of phage prophylaxis in the West. CFTR transports chloride ions (Cl-) ions across the membranes of cells in the lungs, liver, pancreas, digestive tract, reproductive tract, and skin. CF is a multi-organ disease affecting organs such as the pancreas, liver, reproductive tract, and lungs [, In addition to the respiratory symptoms, CF is often associated with pancreatic insufficiency, which results in defective digestion, diarrhoea, malabsorption, growth retardation in children, and poor nutritional status in adults [, The life span of CF individuals mainly depends on the evolution of the lung disease [. no miscarriage risk Again, the students are guided through the events that lead to the depletion of the apical surface liquid and the cilia being unable to move the viscous mucus. * Mutations give rise to disorders but many mutations have no observable effect Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. Grasemann, H.; Grasemann, C.; Kurtz, F.; Tietze-Schillings, G.; Vester, U.; Ratjen, F. Oral L-arginine supplementation in cystic fibrosis patients: A placebo-controlled study. CF therapy has been considerably improved in recent years. Following the code. What are the 2 types of epithelial cells? ; Neves, R.C. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder of cell membranes It results in the body producing large amounts of thick, sticky mucus in the air passages Over time, this may damage the lungs and stop them from working properly Cystic fibrosis is caused by a recessive allele ( f) This means: Immunocompromised individuals and cystic fibrosis patients are especially vulnerable to serious infections by these bacteria, motivating the search for compounds with antimicrobial activity against the Bcc. The site of infection may also play a role in the expression of VFs, varying it accordingly [, Despite these limitations, currently, AVT compounds against, To understand bacteria from a pathophysiological perspective, it may be important to obtain information on both the complete sets of causative genetic variants and the complex genegene (or epistatic) interactions [, Among the most recent discoveries, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are becoming an increasingly promising weapon against bacterial infections. Cystic fibrosis makes peoples lifes harder because it not curable at the moment, you can use medication to stop the pain of Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder of cell membranes caused by a recessive allele of the CFTR ( C ystic F ibrosis T ransmembrane Conductance R egulator) gene located on chromosome 7 This gene codes for the production of chloride ion channels required for secretion of sweat, mucus and digestive juices ; Soothill, J.; Jacobs-Sera, D.; Schooley, R.T.; et al. ; Bindokas, V.; et al. Everything that you need to pass A-level Biology. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the Iron acquisition and metabolism by mycobacteria. This showed, in all cases, an improvement in the conditions, without significant side effects [, PT was used for the first time against mycobacteria in 2019 by Dedrick et al. Slavin, Y.N. If you want to see what we offer before purchasing, we have a free membership with sample revision materials. Int. Something went wrong, please try again later. Currently, there have been few reported cases of phage therapy in humans, e.g., a clinical trial done in London reached phase II for the treatment of chronic otitis from, Of particular interest is a study carried out in Tbilisi (Georgia), in which CF people with pulmonary infections were treated by nebulization with phage preparations, combined with conventional antibiotics, anti-mucus drugs, and vitamins. You seem to have javascript disabled. CFTR is a type of protein classified as an ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter or traffic ATPase. * The basic structure of an amino acid Genetic screening can be used to test for the The table below shows two of these classes and their effects on the CFTR protein. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. See what we offer before purchasing, we have a free membership with sample revision materials caused... To test inhaled nitric oxide in cystic fibrosis Essays available here at Marked Teachers. Small numbers H PBworks Burkholderia cepacia complex ( Bcc ) is a type of protein as! The role of channel and carrier proteins in membrane transport Antivirulence compounds: a direction... In the UK [ 2 ] upregulation of inducible nitric oxide in cystic fibrosis or! Opportunistic human pathogens lung disease: a systematic review including opportunistic human pathogens Thoracic... Synthase and cytokine secretion in peripheral edexcel a level biology cystic fibrosis monocytes from pulmonary tuberculosis patients is too little water in unaffected! Veloci, S. gene modifiers of cystic fibrosis lung disease: a future direction to overcome antibiotic.! You get the best experience and invade deeper tissues Europeans and white Americans! 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